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Monday, August 4, 2008

Malaysians Mental Ailments!

More Malaysians Suffering From Mental Ailments


KOTA BARU: The latest National Health and Morbidity Study has revealed a marginal increase in the number of Malaysians suffering from mental ailments.

The study, conducted in 2006 and released earlier this year, showed 11.2% of adults and 20.3% of children and teenagers suffering some form of mental ailment, Deputy Health Minister Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad said.

In 1996, the numbers were 10.7% and 13% respectively.

About 11% of those between the ages of 16 and 24 had suicidal yearnings, while 47.7% of adults suffered insomnia.

Both ailments are related to stress, Dr Abdul Latiff said when opening the state-level Health Carnival, emphasising the need to overcome stress at all levels including in schools, workplaces, public institutions and government offices.

He said his ministry has been organising anti-stress campaigns since 2000.

the star-online

lordmusan says...

If only they knew the main reason of mental illness of us Malaysians. Haven't they heard that the current government under Pak Lah is the main reason of stress and mental illnesses amongst Malaysians? With the current prices of everything, the oil price, the increasing cost of living and the incompetency of the Prime Minister Pak Lah..tell me who in the hell won't be stressed and sooner or later get a mental illness!

What they should do now instead of going for campaign to curb stress might as well they go and campaign at the PM's office to ask him to step down immediately and save a lot of us Malaysian from stress and mental illnesses!

Or have they not notice that we have a mentally challenged Prime Minister as a leader making dumb decisions?


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