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Friday, May 16, 2008

The Nincompoops

nincompoop (plural nincompoops)

  1. A silly or foolish person
1905: Baroness Emmuska Orczy, The Scarlet Pimpernel [1]
  • No wonder that Chauvelin's spies had failed to detect, in the apparently brainless nincompoop, the man whose reckless daring and resourceful ingenuity had baffled the keenest French spies...

..i came across this term in Yahoo Answer recently and the first thing that came to my mind when i saw this is..our current government now..actually Pak Lah was the first one that came to mind but when i saw the plural of this word..the whole government came soon after! At first i thought it was funny..i mean,the way it sounded when you pronounce it and how it sounded when repeated but soon after when reality sinks in, the funny feeling disappeared immediately...and i began to worry especially when the images of my kids whom are all still below 6 years old and the thought of their future began flashes in front of your eyes and reality really began to set in!

Will they be proud of their origins?Will they be proud of their country?What will happen to them 20 years down the road?..also which party will they vote for?(...?)

Am i or are all of us being governed by nincompoops?Did we really let nincompoops rule the country?The same question even though with different ways of asking came to my mind and the answer is..yes!We are being governed by nincompoops and by letting them do that actually made us becoming nincompoops ourselves!

What have we done all these years?Have we been too comfortable with everything that has been spoon fed to us or we are just being ignorant and have that 'comfort zone' in every each of our mind?

I believe that when someone is 'in denial', everything seems ok to him and he felt that no other occurrence or bad things will ever happen to him.If only an ordinary person is still 'in denial',then i felt it should be ok cause it won't effect the mass majority but when a leader of a country is 'in denial', then this is when the images of your children's future flashes right before your eyes!

In order to have the country back on track towards what every one of us long for, someone have to really lead or i guess everyone of us have to lead ourselves towards that goal.All the allegations towards the nincompoops have to be proven with all sorts of evidence and we actually put a stop to the era of the nincompoops! Why i say this is even if every single one of us keep writing allegations on any one of this nincompoops..this will never end,trust me!

Someone with actual prove and evidence should come forward and bring all the nincompoops to justice and justice will be served once and for all!For example,if anyone have proof on insider tradings that involves the government or any nincompoop related to that particular matter, bring forward the evidence!If anyone have any prove or evidence on any of the nincompoops either from the current government or the future nincompoops fro either sides..bring it out!If you now that your evidence will disappear when reported to any party..then,bring it here to the independent media and let it follow its course cause if you really have it, the nincompoops involved will surely try to take it away from you!

I am amaze on the blogs by our fellow Malaysians and the comments given to blogger either to any ordinary blogger or from high ranking or prominent blogger, everything seems to point to one direction...the removal of the NINCOMPOOP and the NINCOMPOOPS!

So, let us not let the nincompoops play us out anymore and let us not be nincompoops ourselves!

lord musan

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Another Comment for Muhammad Taib- awaiting moderation..still!

Another one of my comment that was also awaiting moderation...so, here goes..
  1. lord musan Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    Salam TS,
    Tahniah saya ucapkan pada TS kerana ‘berani’ turun ke kampung-kampung walaupun TS sendiri tahu adalah mustahil utk TS pergi ke semua kampung yang berada dalam negara ini.Sekurang-kurangnya ada juga menteri yang turun ke kampung dari menteri yang hanya tahu membina resort di dalam kampung untuk kegunaan sendiri.

    Pertama sekali,saya bukan hendak mengkritik atau memperkecilkan keupayaan atau niat TS tetapi ada beberapa perkara yang saya rasa TS perlu tahu dalam melaksanakan niat dan program sebegini.Saya yakin dengan masa dan kesabaran banyak perkara di kampung yang dapat diperbaiki lagi.

    TS, banyak masalah-masalah yang saya sendiri lihat di kampung-kampung seluruh negara dan antaranya adalah seperti berikut:~

    Tempat Pembuangan Sampah- Masalah kebersihan di kampung-kampung ini dari segi pembuangan sampah yang tidak teratur seperti dibuang ke kawasan belakang rumah dan menimbulkan masalah bau,lalat dan penyakit.

    Sistem Perparitan - sistem saliran air iaitu longkang-longkang yang menghubungkan kawasan tepi rumah ke longkang besar.Kebanyakan kampung memiliki longkang besar di jalan besar di hadapan rumah tetapi sekiranya diteliti longkang dari kawasan rumah penduduk tidak ada dan ini menyebabkan saliran dari dapur terus ke atas tanah dan ada juga saliran dari tandas dan bilik air terus ke kawasan tanah di belakang rumah.

    Ada banyak lagi masalah-masalah yang kalau disebutdisini boleh memalukan orang kampung tetapi TS boleh melihat sendiri perkara yang berlaku sabanhari dikampung-kampung ini. Salah satu masalah utama yang TS harus cuba perbaiki adalah dari segi menataliti orangkampung atau ketua kampung itu sendiri.

    TS harus cuba ubah mentaliti mereka dari golongan yang mengharapkan bantuan dari kerajaan (..saya pernah melalui pengalaman dimana penduduk kampung meminta bantuan dari YB untuk memasang pintu bilik air atau tandas kerana selama ini penduduk rumah tersebut menggunakan kain untuk menutup tandas itu tetapi yang meghairankan saya mereka telah duduk di rumah tersebut selama lebih 15 tahun dengan anak bini termasuklah anak2 perempuan yang masih remaja..) kepada golongan yang mengharapkan kejayaan atas usaha sendiri.

    TS juga harus ubah mentaliti kampung yang sentiasa memnita sumbangan untuk apa sebab sekalipun kepada kampung yang akan memberi sumbangan apabila ada insan atau kampung lain yang memerlukan.

    Saranan saya TS,

    Sekiranya TS ingin pergi ke kampung-kampung yang lain,TS tak perlu memberitahu kepada wakil kampung atau ajensi yang bertanggungjawab tetapi TS boleh terus pergi dan menginap di homestay-homestay yang ada trdapat dikampung-kampung yang terlibat.Ini kerana sekiranya wakil kampung-kampung ini tahu akan kedatangan TS, ajensi dan wakil kampung akan bertungkus lumus untuk menutup segala masalah yang ada di kampung terutamanya dari segi masalah yang disebabkan oleh kurang pemantauan pihak ajensi sendiri.(..bukan semua kampung or ajensi camtu..ada segelintir sahaja!).Ini juga adalah perlu untuk mengelakkan TS dari dilayan oleh orang-orang yang hipokrit yang lama-lama boleh menjadikan TS sendiri seorang yang hipokrit.

    TS juga harus melawat setiap penduduk kampung yang ada dalam kampung itu tidak kira berapa jumlah rumah di kampung itu ataupun sekrang2nya 70% dari semua penduduk untuk benar-benar tahu akan segala masalah yang ada di dalam kampung tersebut dan bukan hanya melawat rumah-rumah yang ditunjukkan oleh wakil kampung atau wakil ajensi kerana sekiranya ditunjukkan sedemikan ianya akan hanya menjadi satu lawatan politik ke kampung.Dari sini juga TS akan dapat melihat sendiri siapa yang sebenar2nya mendiami kampung tersebut.Adakah orang kita sendiri atau pun penuh dgn pendatang asing?

    Dari segi pelaksanaan pula, apa yang TS lakukan dgn mengarahkan KEMAS memberi bantuan penuh kepada ibu tunggal sepeti yang TS maklumkan adalah baik tetapi TS mesti melihat dari segi lain atau dari sudut keseluruhan penduduk sesuatu kampung itu.Dan juga TS perlu memantau ajensi-ajensi yang terlibat kerana biasanya masalah2 seperti itu hanya ditangani apabila ada menteri datang tetapi apabila menteri balik,2-3 bulan selepas itu masalah itu akan kembali sepeti sebelumnya malah ada yang menjadi lebih teruk lagi.

    Dalam era ini atau zaman ini, status kampungperlu ditngkatkan lagi dari segi ekonomi, prasarana dan terutamanya dari segi mentaliti penduduk dikampung.Kita mahu lihat penduduk kampung tidak lagi mengharapkan bantuan dari samada BN atau PR tetapi mahu melihat semua penduduk kampung berjaya meningkatkan tahap pemikiran diri sendiri.Tidak dinafikan tahap ekonomi penduduk kampung ramai yang sudah meningkat tetapi apa yang kita tidak mahu adalah tahap mentaliti yang rendah walaupun taraf hidup sudah tinggi.

    itu sahajalah pandangan saya untuk TS berkenaan kampung-kampung di negara ini.Dari segi pihak KKLW pula,TS harus benar-benar arif tentang projek-projek yang dikelola oleh pegawai-pegawai TS untuk menghapuskan atau sekurang-kurangnya buat masa ini mengurangkan gejala rasuah yang berlaku (..sekiranya ada!)dari peringkat pembantu peribadi atau setiausaha politik TS sendiri sehinggalah ke pegawai-pegawai di bawah termasuklah semua Setiausaha-setiausaha Bahagian,Ketua-ketua penolong setiausaha dan semua sekali yang terlibat!(..sekali lagi saya katakan..sekiranya ada gejala rasuah di kementerian TS)barulah nasib penduduk di luar bandar betul-betul dapat diubah.Kalau tak ada gejala rasuah, KUDOS dan SYABAS saya ucapkan.

    sekian, trima kasih.

    lord musan

Comment For Muhammad Taib-The Minister of Rural Development

Last week i commented on the Minister of Rural Development's blog but till today it is still awaiting moderation from the author..so, i felt might as well reproduce it here and send him the link.Happy reading..by the way,TS stands for Tan Sri..

Here goes..

Salam TS,

Pertama sekali,isi karpal singh ni adalah isu yang tak lain dan tak bukan isu beliau cuab untuk menguji sejauh mana kesetiaan orang melayu terutamanya dan setakat mana kesetiaan bangsa lain kepada raja dan juga kerajaan beraja sebab denagn membuat ujukaji inlah dia akan dapat membuat perancangan bagaimana untuk seterusnya melemahkan orang melayu khususnya.Dia juga sedang menguji sejauh mana ‘kesetiaan’ para pemimpin melayu kita dan sejauh mana ‘kejantananan’ para pemimpin tertinggi kita.

Sebelum kita melenting dgn perangai-perangai sebegini, kita harus melihat dahulu kenapa dia atau orang2 sebegini berani berbuat demikian.Jawapannya senang sahaja,disebabkan PM kita tidak kuat dan tidak berani berdepan dengan perkara sebegini dan kerana ketuanan melayu telah sedikit demi sedikit terhakis disebabkan pemimpin sebegini.Ini adalah satu fakta yang harus diterima oleh semua orang melayu dan saya rasa cukuplah menteri2 kita memberikan gambaran yang tidak tepat kepada Pak Lah.Oleh kerana beliau sehingga kini berasa masih mendapat sokongan rakyatlah terjadinya perkara-perkara sebegini.Pak Lah harus disedarkan dari mimpi beliau dan harus diberitahu akan perkara sebenar yang berlaku di dalam negara dan bukan hanya perkara yang beliau ingin berlaku seperti kehendaknya.

TS yang satu masa dahulu pernah memajukan Selangor harus sedar dan berterus -terang kepada Pak Lah tentang perkara yang sebenar2nya.Barulah TS boleh dikategorikan sebagai pemimpin yang telah insaf dan berprinsip dan bukan hanya sebagai seorang pemimpin yang dicop sebagai menteri berkepentingansendiri dalam kabinet Pak Lah dan tidak ada maruah serta prinsip sebagai seorang Islam,seorang berbangsa Melayu dan sebgai seorang manusia di bumi Allah s.w.t.

Punca utama adalah kerana kerajaan yang tidak stabil terutamanya pemimpin yang tidak tahu bagaimana untuk membela dan menegakkan keadilan untuk rakyat dan kerana pemimpin yang lemahlah orang-orang seperti karpal singh, lim kit siang ,anwar ibrahim dan sebagainya berani memainkan sentimen sebegini dan sentiasa memikirkan cara untuk memijak bangsa melayu kita.

Saya yakin TS yang pernah berkhidmat dgn Tun M pada satu masa dahulu tahu perkara sebegini tidak mungkin akan berlaku di bawah pemerintahan beliau kerana Tun M adalah sebenar2nya pahlawan melayu dan dialah satu2nya pemimpin yang berani dalam menegakkan keadilan untuk orang melayu.(..tak payah hunus keris pun orang tahu keris Tun M panjang and besar mana..garang lagi!)Sekiranya TS berkesempatan,TS boleh melawat ke blog Tun M dan dari situ pun kita boleh melihat sokongan yang tidak berbelah bagi pada bekas pemimpin yang telah berjasa kepada kita dan apa yang saya cakap ini disokong oleh berjuta lagi rakyat malaysia tidak kira bangsa.


Walaubagaimanapun, Karpal Singh telah secara terang-terangan menderhaka kepada raja dan walaupun sebab ini adalah puncanya dari pemimpin tertinggi kerajaan sekrang ini, tindakan karpal singh tetap tidak boleh dibiarkan.Begitu juga denag lim kit siang di perak sebelum ini dan termasuklah para exco umno di perlis dan terengganu sebelum ini walaupun dari bangsa melayu itu sendiri dan harus dikenakan tindakan yang sewajarnya.

Berkenaan dgn janji PKRkepada rakyat Selangor, sebenarnya rakyat selangor sendiri tidak menyangka PKR akan menang sebegini besar tetapti apabila undi dibuang adalah sebagai rasa protes kepada Pak La dan BN secara amnya.Jadinya undi sebegini adalah undi marah rakyat selangor.bayangkanlah sekiranya semasa pemilihan tempohari setiap pengundi memiliki hati dan tidak puas hati dgn Pak lah,mereka akan mengundi pihak pembangkang dgn harapan akan kurang majoriti BN di Selangor tetapi apabila setiap penduduk selangor mempunyai pemikiran yang sama..itulah jadinya keputusan pilihanraya baru-baru ini.

TS kena faham kami pengundi sekarang ini bukanlah bodoh dan buta tuli sehingga percaya kepada setiap kata-kata pembangkang.Pembangkang dari dulu akan sentiasa menjanjikan perkara yang bertentangan dari kerajaan semta-mata untuk memenangi hati pengundi tetapi disebabkan pembangkang sudah pun berjanji maka pengundi pun fikir tidak akan ada apa yang dirugikan jika isu pembangkang tidak tunai janji dituntut..sebab benda dah cakap,kalau tak cakap takde la orang tuntut,betul tak TS.Kerajaan BN pun ada jugak janji yang masih belum ditunaikan.

Sekali lagi, punca utama kenapa timbul rakyat yang biadap dan derhakaserta kenapa kerajaan kalah semasa pilihanraya adalah terang sekali kepada semua yang ingin melihatnya…Pak Lah!Hanya orang yang tidak mahu melihat kebenaran sahajalah yang masih menyokong Pak Lah serta ahli keluarga beliau.Tengok betul2 dalam hati kita,pertimbangkan elok2 dan nampaklah kita akan punca utamanya.

Hari ini Pak Lah berkata kita JANGAN LUPA DIRI dan terpampang di muka depan Berita Harian..tetapi siapa yang sebenarnya lupa akan diri sendiri..adakah ini contoh-contoh seorang melayu yang mudah lupa!

Sekian TS.Tq Very Much.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sampai Bila Lagi..till the fat lady sings a different tune?

Nowadays in the mainstream media, every news that was served to the 'rakyat' evolves around how our PM is trying to rectify and trying on how to solve some problems which is currently 'tsunami-ing' the country.

From shortage of rice supply, increase in the international oil price to the demands made by Cuepacs to the government (...in the current Pak Lah's government, seems like the only employees or workers that deserved to be rewarded are from the government sector but i have never heard of him trying to fight for the workers in the private sector which as a matter of fact, contributed to the government's economy much more that the government servants!Where is the fairness in this?Are we the private sectors workers not relevant to the country?) and latest the ultimatum(...threat if i may say!) given by one of the Sabahan's MP to the Federal Government to on how the PM is still trying to show he is not responsible for the defeat in the last GE.Everything seems to show that the PM and the government as a whole is really struggling or in other words working for the 'rakyat' and seems like they are the only last hope for the people of Malaysia.That's the mainstream media.(..still trying to 'main wayang' everyday!)

Otherwise in the independent media or lovingly known as blogs, majority of the bloggers that wrote or gave their opinions are mostly against Pak Lah and all the ministers on the PM's failure to admit defeat but most irritating of all is on his 'big-headedness' plus his swollen ego not to admit and accept that the main reason or the failure of the government now is merely because of HIMSELF and number of his dwarfs!What i say here is not simply words that was concocted through sheer anger by myself but as everyone in the country can witness for themselves through most of the blogs either by a nobody or even by our very own ex-PM Tun M.

The issue here is, until when should all the bloggers or the 'rakyat' as a whole have to keep up with this nonsense.Everyday, thousands if not hundred of thousands opinions and comments have been published in the world wide web and everybody is talking or writing about Pak Lah and 99% of it are voices of dissatisfaction on himself particularly, his decision making skills, his lack of information on anything, his capability of handling any situation, his inability to provide truthful or at least logical answers every time he was asked or interviewed by anybody and also on his inability to separate work and family as well as all the blogs about his SIL and the number of dwarfs tagging behind him.

Some put the blame on Tun M for choosing Pak Lah as his successor but how in the hell Tun M can ever know Pak Lah will turn to be the man he is today.Nobody knows when an angel can suddenly turn to be the worse of a demon just because of greed and power!Just as he will never expect Nazri to become really 'biadap' and know why Nazri can be such a person to him now!(..sorry!i think everybody knows the reason why!tsk!tsk!)

Its been quite some time now and i guess all the 'rakyat' have become really fed-up with the 'wayang' which is being showed to us everyday but every single comments or opinions by the majority of' rakyat' were easily dismissed by Pak Lah saying those were justs words of slander against him!This is where the actual problem lies..the inability to accept his weakness and the ability to actually 'sedar diri' and accept criticism form anyone!Have you tried posting any comments on 'Warkah Untuk PM"?It said that you can write directly to the PM and he will answer personally.Tell me if any of anyone's question posted there have ever been answered?(...the criticism ,i mean!)i know my question till now have not been answered by him!

Since BN lost the last GE, todate no concrete action has been taken to ensure that the 'rakyat' will benefit from the 'mandate' given to Pak Lah..as he said it, what we can only see now is how he is struggling to keep his throne and by doing that he is actually making things worse. Now whenever he opens his mouth in any event or occasion, seems like he is desperately saying indirectly he is not to be blame for all the chaos that is happening in the government now but please blame it on something else!Supported by the ministers who are trained to lick ass and kiss butts!(..really don't know what to do with these species!)

In my opinion, if Pak Lah and his number of dwarfs really wanted to work for the people,he should have done it since he came into power and he was given ample time to prove himself to the rakyat but after 3 years and a half, he failed miserably due to his lack of responsibility towards his position as Pm, his position got over his head immediately upon appointment as PM and he thought that as PM he is invincible.Now ven if he is genuinely trying to save UMNO or the BN government, he is too late cause now every single thing that he intended to do desperately seems like a mockery to the intelligence of the rakyat and a mockery to the whole system.

So, let us ask ourselves one question,Till when should we let this go on?Do we wait till every single thing that the past leaders have worked for vanished into thin air just because of a very incapable leader/s?Till when should all 'rakyat' express their opinions in the independent media?Till when should we still listen to the desperate plea of a failed leader?

Ask yourself this and decide for yourself for the sake of our future generation!

lord musan

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Excepts from Jebat Must Die about the Ex-Gratia Payment and Tun Salleh Abbas's Case

(This article below were taken from the blog of' 'Jebat Must Die'. No other hidden intention for this but just felt that a lot more people should read this.)

The Crisis of 1987 - 1988 : Is there a third side of a coin?

Pursuant to the blog article The two sides of a coin : The Crisis of 1987 - 1988, I think Pak Lah’s administration had made a grave mistake. It seems like in the haste of trying to be popular, Pak Lah and his advisers had caved in to the demands of a few minority.

A letter to Malaysiakini by a senior lawyer, P. Suppiah of the Malaysian Bar, sheds light to the judiciary crisis:

The personalities involved in the entire episode are as follows:

* The then Yang Di Pertuan Agong (the King), now the Sultan of Johor

* Tun Salleh Abas, who was then the Lord President

* The prime minister (Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who was then Datuk Seri Dr),

* The then attorney-general, Tan Sri Abu Talib Othman, now Suhakam chief.

The whole episode started with Salleh writing a letter to the King dated March 26, 1988, copies of which were sent to the Malay rulers. On May 27, 1988 the prime minister in the presence of high-ranking government officials informed Salleh that the King wished him to step down (to retire as Lord President) because of the said letter.

Salleh on May 28, 1988 sent a letter of resignation: the next day he withdrew it and subsequently held a press conference. On June 9, 1988 the prime minister made a second representation to the King alleging further misconduct on the part of Salleh based on his undignified use of the press to vent his grievances – such as requesting for a public hearing of the tribunal and asking for persons of high judicial standing to sit on the tribunal.

On June 11, 1988, members of the tribunal were appointed pursuant to the Federal Constitution by the King. On June 14, 1988, Salleh was served with the list of charges against him. On June 17, 1988, Salleh was served with a set of rules to govern the tribunal procedure. On June 21, 1988, on the application of Salleh, a Queen’s Counsel was admitted for the purpose of defending him without any objection from the attorney-general.

Salleh was informed of the tribunal’s hearing on June 29, 1988 and was told he could be represented by his Queen’s Counsel. On June 29, 1988, counsel for Salleh appeared and informed the tribunal that Salleh would not participate in the proceedings. Salleh was making a series of press statements including an interview with the BBC showing unhappiness over the tribunal’s legality.

The tribunal held its proceedings in camera. Salleh was accorded the right to be defended by counsel. His counsel decided not to cross-examine any of the witnesses. The tribunal was made up of the following six persons:

* Acting Lord President, Abdul Hamid Omar (tribunal chairman), who was appointed a High Court judge in September 1968. In 1980, he was appointed a Federal Court judge. On Feb 3, 1984, he was made the Chief Justice of Malaya taking over from Salleh.

* TS Sinnathuray, a Singapore Supreme Court judge (tribunal member).

* Abdul Aziz Mohamed Zain, a former Federal Court judge (tribunal member).

* Mohamed Zahir Ismail, former High Court judge from 1975 to 1982 before assuming his post as a Dewan Rakyat speaker (tribunal member).

* Sri Lankan Chief Justice, KAP Ranasinghe (tribunal member).

* Chief Justice of Borneo, Lee Hun Hoe (tribunal member).

The allegations against Salleh were made known to him in writing (in respect of which the tribunal held its inquiry), and briefly they are:

First allegation: On the occasion of the conferment of the honarary degree of doctor of letters on him by Universiti Malaya on Aug 1, 1987 in his speech he made several statements criticising the government which displayed prejudice and bias against the government: and these statements were incompatible with his position as the Lord President of the Supreme Court.

Second allegation: At the launching of the book Malaysia Law and Law, Justice and the Judiciary: Transnational Trend on Jan 12, 1988 in his speech he made several statements discrediting the government and thereby sought to undermine public confidence in the government’s administration of this country in accordance with the law.

In the same speech he made special reference to the interpretative role of judges and advocated the acceptance of the Islamic legal system not only in the interpretation of the civil law of Malaysia but in its general application.

In particular he advocated thus: “This system consists mostly of the Quran and Hadith (tradition of Prophet Mohammad S.A.W.). The interpretation of these two sources of law is done according to the established and accepted methodology. Volumes of literature have been written as commentaries and exegesis of the Quaranic law the Prophet Mohammad’s Hadith or tradition. In this situation, not only is the judiciary bound by Islamic law as propounded by jurisconsult (muftis, who give legal rulings on particular matters), but as Parliament and the executive too are certainly bound by these rulings.”

His attempt to restate the law generally along Islamic legal principles ignores the character of Malaysian society as one which is multi-religious and multi-racial with deep cultural differences. No responsible government can allow the postulation of such views by the head of the judiciary without causing fear and consternation among its non-Muslim population. Furthermore, his statement violates established principles of judicial interpretation widely accepted in the courts in Malaysia and in the Commonwealth.

Third allegation: He adjourned sine die the case of Teoh Eng Huat v Kadhi Pasir Mas, Kelantan and Another (Civil Appeal No 220 of 1986) which involved the issue of a minor’s choice of religion. It was adjourned six times in the Supreme Court – Aug 18, 1986, Aug 25, 1986, Dec 1, 1986, July 30, 1987, July 31, 1987 and Aug 3, 1987. It related to the conversion from Buddhism to the Islamic faith.

Fourth allegation: In his said letter dated March 26, 1988 to the King and the Malay rulers, he stated that it was written on behalf of the judges of this country. This is false as there was no prior consultation with nor approval of all the judges of the country on the content of the letter before he sent it.

Fifth allegation: He, after his suspension as Lord President, made various statements to the media for publication and broadcasting which contained untruths and which were calculated to politicise the issue between the government and himself and to further discredit the government.

The tribunal commenced its hearing on June 29, 1988. Salleh was absent. But his counsel, namely Raja Aziz Addruse, CV Das and Royan were present. The attorney-general presented his arguments to assist the tribunal and set out the facts. In his submission, the AG stated that there was more than ample evidence and justification to recommend Salleh’s removal from office.

In all four witnesses were called and much written material connected with the allegations was made available to the tribunal for its members to rely on. The four witnesses were Sallehudin Mohamed, Sharon Abdul Majid (director-general of Fisheries), Saedon Daud (deputy director of Budget) and Haidar Mohd Noor (chief registrar) who gave evidence with regard to the adjournments of the conversion case mentioned in the third allegation.

The tribunal completed its report on July 7, 1988. In it, it stated that the tribunal was appointed by the King under Article 125(3) and (4) of the Federal Constitution to investigate and submit a report to the King in regard to the representation made by the prime minister that Salleh be removed from office on the grounds of his misbehaviour which show that he is no longer able to discharge his duties and function as Lord President properly and justly.

The tribunal in its report set out the background facts and its findings and recommendations. The tribunal under proof and findings inter alia stated that it endeavoured to follow the well-known principle and applied and followed in such matters and also in regard to the burden of proof and the standard of proof by similar tribunals in other jurisdictions. It dealt with each of the allegations and stated briefly in respect thereof as follows:

Allegations 1 and 2: The tribunal was satisfied on a consideration of the documents containing the speech that had been made by Salleh on the occasion he was conferred the honourary degree of doctor of letters by Universiti Malaya on Aug 1, 1987 and also the speech made by him on Jan 12, 1988 on the occasion of the official launching ceremony of the book Malaysian Law and Law Justice and the Judiciary: Transnational Trends at the Shangri La Hotel Kuala Lumpur that the particulars set out in the said allegations have been established.

Allegation 2 (iv) and 3: In regard to allegation 3 the tribunal was satisfied in the absence of any explanation by Salleh that the adjournment was made upon improper and extraneous consideration when the case related to the conversion of a minor from the religion she professed (Buddhism) to the Islamic faith.

Allegation 2 (iv): The tribunal held:

i) that it was manifestly clear in the absence of an explanation from Salleh who made the speech that he was seeking to advocate in the guise of interpretation, the acceptance of the principles of Islamic law as propounded by the ‘muftis’ and to assert that such rulings bound not only the judiciary but also both the Parliament and the executive of the country

ii) that it must be borne in mind that Islam is the religion of the Federation, the Constitution of Malaysia by Articles 3 and 11 assures and guarantees to all persons complete freedom of religion by vesting in every person “the right to profess and practise his religion” in accordance with the law.

iii) that it must also be borne in mind that Malaysia is a multi-racial and multi-religious country. That being so, the assertion of principles as spelt out in the said speech by Salleh is likely to cause not only uneasiness but also fear and doubt in the minds of those who profess a religion other than Islam and do not subscribe to the tenets and principles advocated by Salleh in his speech.

iv) that it must also be borne in mind that the Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with the Constitution shall be void to the extent of such inconsistency. Therefore, it was ill-advised for Salleh as head of the judiciary to make an authoritative statement that “Islamic laws bind not only the judiciary but Parliament and the executive also”.

Allegation 4: The tribunal held that for Salleh to say that the letter to the King (copied to all the Malay rulers) was from “all of us” was an untruth and in the absence of any explanation the tribunal held that Salleh had done so in order to ensure that the said letter could carry greater authority and greater conviction than it would have had it been made only by a section of the judges.

Allegation 5: The tribunal was satisfied that in the absence of any explanation from Salleh that he used the media with the view to politicising the issue of his suspension and to gain public sympathy for himself.

The tribunal touched on the meaning of “misbehaviour”: to mean unlawful conduct or immoral conduct such as bribery, corruption, acts done with improper motives relating to the office of a judge and which would affect the due administration of justice or which would shake the confidence of the public in a judge.

The tribunal concluded: “Having regard to the views we have already formed upon the material before us, we are of the opinion, in the absence of an explanation being made by or on behalf of Salleh that he has been guilty of not only “misbehaviour”, but also of misconduct which falls within the ambit of “other cause”, which renders him unfit to discharge properly the functions of his office, as Lord President, as set out in Article 125(3) of the Constitution.”

Under recommendation, the tribunal said: “Salleh has been proved to have behaved himself in such a way as would destroy the public confidence in his impartiality, his honesty his integrity and in his ability to make decisions as a judge and unanimously recommended that he be removed from office, both as a judge and as the Lord President of the Supreme Court, which recommendation was accepted by the King.”

It further stated: “We very much regret that the respondent chose not to appear before us, even though every reasonable opportunity was afforded to him by us. We have, as has been made clear in this report, come to the findings which we have arrived at only upon the unchallenged and uncontradicted material placed before us. Needless to say that had we had the benefit of a plausible explanation from the respondent in regard to the several issues which were presented to us for our consideration, our decision may well have been different.”

Much later in a reply letter dated March 20, 1989 to the International Commission of Jurist, Hamid stated that though Salleh was the Lord President his judicial experience on the Superior Court bench was comparatively short having been appointed (when he was a solicitor-general) direct to the Federal Court (the predecessor of the present Supreme Court) as recently as 1979. Salleh was never a Judge of the High Court and had no experience whatever of trial court work at that level. On the other hand, he (Hamid) was appointed High Court judge in 1968 (11 years earlier).

What prompted me to write this letter is because the topic of Salleh Abas has cropped up in the papers recently with the de facto law minister holding the view that the government should apologise to Salleh for his being sacked as Lord President.

The present prime minister has also advocated in his speech at the Bar dinner last week (nearly 20 years later) that the government would make “goodwill ex-gratia payment to Tun Salleh”. I wonder whether it will be proper to use government’s money for such purpose.

It must be remembered that to this day no one knows what the defence would have been if Salleh had appeared before the tribunal and be subjected to cross-examination. Salleh did not do this as he said he ‘did not recognise’ the tribunal in his interviews. Even if one does not recognise a tribunal, one should appear before it and make the necessary submission and if the submission fails, one should still give evidence (under protest so to speak) setting out the defence.

His version, even if disbelieved by the tribunal, will always be there on the record for everyone to see. In fact the tribunal had stated categorically that if it had the benefit of a plausible explanation from Salleh in regard to the several issues which were presented to it for its consideration its decision may well have been different.

By his refusing to appear and give his version (especially in regard to his advocating the acceptance of the Islamic legal system in the interpretation of the laws as propounded by the ‘muftis’) he in fact had shot himself in the foot. It is no use crying foul when he did not exercise his right to be heard. What would he have done in a similar or other cases presided by him?

To my mind, it is still open to Salleh, for instance among other avenues, to ask for an appointment of another tribunal to review his case (whether there will be any objection to this from any quarters, I do not know) subject however to his agreeing to give evidence as to his defence. The record of the proceedings are still there. Even if this happened he will be running into difficulties because the four witnesses who gave evidence at the tribunal were never cross-examined by his counsel.

One thing for sure, by electing Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the person who was found guilty of money politics and subsequently suspended from contesting in the Umno elections, as the de-facto Law Minister, really demeaning the words ‘credibility and integrity’. But you are what you are by the circle of friends you promote. Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, Tan Sri Muhammad Mohd Taib, Patrick Lim Soo Kit, Kalimullah Masheerul Hassan etc.

I would also like to point out that Tun Salleh Abas became a PAS member and contested but lost in the 1995 General Elections under the Semangat 46 ticket. However, in the 1999 General Elections he won the state seat of Jertih in Terengganu under PAS’ banner. I would like the Bar Council explain to us why do they support a man who advocates the setting up of an Islamic country and propagate Syariah Laws as the highest law in the land while all this time the Bar Council champions Malaysia as a secular nation. It would be interesting to know what they can spin from this letter.

It is best to know that in 1988, it was the Malaysian Bar Council who had strongly agree with the suspension of Tun Salleh Abas. And Zaid Ibrahim, as the President of Muslim Lawyers Association at that time, condemned some of the disapproval voices within the Bar Council in questioning the legality of the Tribunal. But he still have the cheek to speak innocently during his speech at the lavish gala dinner celebrating the conferment of Datukship for the Bar President the 5 former top judges:

I am saying that it’s clear to everyone, to the world, that serious transgressions had been committed by the previous administration. And I believe that the prime minister is big enough and man enough to say that we had done wrong to these people and we are sorry.

And of course, that dinner was hailed to be the turning point in redeeming the judiciary. But it was plainly an act of gaining support from a few minority. It tickles me that Pak Lah was trying to gain support from the leaders of the Pakatan Rakyat. This is a clear case of missing the point. What he should have done was to gain support from the majority public. I do not see those opposition leaders attended had cross over to the Barisan Nasional because of this effort. It was a waste of time and more importantly, money.

He should tackle the issues of inflation, the rising cost of living of prices, blatant corruption among his family members and the deteriorating crime index first. Those are the main issues. If huge amount of money were spent to lessen the grievances of the minority group, then we the majority would really like to know how much was the ex-gratia payments made to those 5 top judges.

Finally, I pray that our PM had not played himself into the hands of some contemptible politicians.

(I totally agree with you my dear jebat.Pak lah is still swimming in his own fantasy world!)