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Friday, July 25, 2008

The Launch of My Own Agenda - Quit Smoking! - DAY 1

I think this is important to all of us,either you are a smoker or a non-smoker.Why it is important is due to the fact that we are killing ourselves and others around us!I found this article from MAKNA website and I think this is a good information on rewards that we will get if we stop or quit smoking.I have been an avid fan of the ciggies for quite some time now and I guess i have to actually quit some time or another but I think NOW is the best time.. before it kills myself and the ones I love.

So,effective TODAY I am quitting smoking and I am prepared to face all the consequences or withdrawal symptoms of not having nicotine in my system. So, if any of you out there have any suggestion or ideas on how I am going to get through this,please feel free to give your comments here.

Anyhow, here are the article that actually gives me the reason to quit smoking.

The Good News When You Do Quit Smoking
Stop smoking now and you will see how your body starts recovering minutes after the last smoke.
20 mins

Your blood pressure and pulse rate drops to normal. Body temperature of hands and feet rises to normal.
8 hours

Carbon monoxide level in the blood returns to normal. Oxygen level in the blood rises to normal.
24 hours

Chance of heart attack starts to decrease.
48 hours

Nerve endings start to grow back. Ability to smell and taste improves.
72 hours

Bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier. Lung capacity increases.
2 weeks to 3 months

Circulation improves. Walking becomes easier. Lung function increases up to 30%
3 months

For men, sperm will return to normal and the number of sperms will increase. For women, fertility level will improve.
1 - 9 months

Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease. Body's overall energy level increases
2 to 5 years

Risk of heart attack decreases to that of a non-smoker.
10 years

Lung cancer rates drop to about that of non-smokers. Risk of other cancers (mouth, larynx, oesphagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas) also decreases.

How to Quit Smoking?
You must have thought about wanting to quit smoking. You may have tried once or twice without any success. But don't lose heart, all it takes is a little determination.

This is how you can do it:

Inform your friends and family of your intention to quit smoking. Their support and encouragement will make it easier.

Get rid of all your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ash trays.

Involve yourself in a hobby or outdoor activities such as swimming, walking, jogging, etc. to occupy your mind.

Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, coffee and other drinks that may stimulate the need to smoke.

Learn to say no to offers of cigarettes from others. Keep away from cigarete smoke.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

If you feel the urge to smoke, take a deep breath, drink cold water or go for a shower. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off that cigarette!

Remember, of all cancers, lung cancer is the highest killer among men. So start your fight against lung cancer. If you are a smoker, stop smoking now. If you're not a smoker, don't start and keep away from unhealthy smoke.

Except taken from http://www.makna.org.my/lungcancer.asp

I pray to God to give me strength and courage for this.Pray with me ya!

lord musan
SAYA BENCI ROKOK...tapi saya still benci Pak Lah!


Abi Ayyub said...

Congratulation are in order for your effort to quit smoking. Its gonna be good to you and also your family. I for one do not smoke although during my schooling days, I tried, but didn't like it. In fact one of my school mate who are proudly making "O" from the smoke told me ... "since you tak reti nak tarik masa hisap rokok baik jangan hisap ... membazir aje" Well I stop trying.

Well good luck on your effort, it will be a better day for all.

A note about program "Tak Nak (ie rokok bengkok)" I think that program was a total failure for its intention but profitable for those who promote it. A smoker commented ... memanglah tak nak rokok bengkok.

lordmusan said...

Well thank you for your encouragement dear Abi Ayyub especially when it comes from a complete stranger!Will try to make this work!

Tak Nak Campaign...should be changed to Tak Nak Pak Lah!..rokok bengkok!harharhar!