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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Akan Hilang Melayu Di Dunia Kerana Melayu Yang Mudah Lupa......

First of all, congratulations to all Malays for succeeding in letting go of the few states to the opposition.Congratulations also to our PM,Pak Lah for giving us the worst performance ever by any of our Prime Ministers.Congratulations also to all Ministers in the cabinet especially all Malay Ministers for doing such a good job and also congratulations for giving all the Malays what they hoped for.

What I believe is all these states were not won by the opposition because the voters love or agree with their campaign promises but I believe it was all because of the hatred towards the Government led by our Pak Lah. Now because of these hatred boiling up inside the voters all of us have got a price to pay.Here I list out what I think contributed to the shameful lost of UMNO in aprticular as well as BN as a whole:~

  1. Pak Lah refused to listen to Tun M when it comes to matters of running the country.He thought he could listen to relatives and family members for advice on running the country.
  2. Pak Lah thought that with the 2/3 win during the 2004 election everyone voted for him but he failed to realised that during that time everyone voted for Tun M after all his contribution to the country especially to the Malays.
  3. Pak Lah fails to see the problems at other states other than focusing on Kelantan which everybody knew BN will never take control of.
  4. Pak LAh released ANwar Ibrahim thinking that he could win the support of PKR members when what actually happened now is that Anwar Ibrahim bit him back right where he deserves.
  5. Pak Lah removed all Tun M so called 'people' from contesting this year resulting in the opposition winning all seats contested previously by 'people' of Tun M.He thought by removing all this people he would get a better support from his own people in the government.
  6. Pak Lah agreed and let Khairy to be a contestant which is a very big No!No! in politics.After years of being in the government and also Malaysian politics he should have known better but his judgment were clouded by wealth, power and some other thing that I dare not say here.
  7. Pak Lah thought that he had done good for the Rakyat but what actually happened was he only took care of the civil servants.Every year bonus,salary increased but the the private sector, we have to pay a price to even get projects of the government.Ask anybody involved in tendering government projects,everybody knows whats happening.
  8. Pak Lah are too timid and even little things involving minor agencies he wanted to get involve such as switching off lights during lunch time.
  9. Pak Lah should have kept his words to Tun M before he was appointed as PM by Tun and stop denying all his words made to Tun.
  10. Pak Lah speeches were dull and boring and his speeches were similar to only Ketua Pengarah level and not as a PM level.Every time he speaks he is a disgrace to the country.He can't even answer spontaneously on questions asked by any reporters whether is was local or international.
  11. Pak Lah does not know anything about running a government except on how to portray himself in every angle of a reporters camera view for publicity.
What saddens me most is that all the work done by our past PM have been destroyed.Pak Lah has destroyed UMNO,destroyed BN and he has certainly destroyed the Malay people.What saddens me even more is that Pak Lah refused to accept defeat and refused to accept his failure as a leader and have the guts to still appoint himself as the PM again.I as a Malay and as a voter and as a citizen of Malaysia are truly ashamed to have a leader like Pak Lah. If i have the power in me, I call for his resignation with immediate effect.Let Najib be PM and get Tun M to assist in the government as a mentor.If people as 'kiasu' as Singapore could do it, why not we the ones whom are heading towards disaster do the same thing.

To all existing ministers and members of cabinets whom still have the right sound of mind and really loves the country and the Malay race please do something before anything worse happens because of the PM all of you supported called Pak Lah.

I wrote as a free citizen of Malaysia, as a free Malay person,as aregistered voter and as a human being.

My words to Pak Lah,"Cukuplah Wahai Pak Lah!Cukuplah kebinasaan yang kau telah berikan kepada bangsa kamu sendiri.Cukuplah jadi Melayu yang sudah sememangnya lupa dan letakkanlah jawatan dan berundurlah dari kerajaan, dari parti dari negara ini kalau boleh.!"

Sekiranya Pak Lah terus memerintah..akan hilang melayu di dunia akibat melayu yang mudah lupa!

Yang benar,
Pengundi BN dan Ahli UMNO
Melayu Yang Akan Hilang Maruahnya


the indie story said...

Salam lord musan,

saja buat kunjungan balas. now tengah busy. ada masa saya akan masuk kembali.insha'allah.


the indie story said...

Minta Laluan...dengan keizinan dan budi bicara Tuan Punya Blog yang dikasihi,

Sanusi Junid sudah bawa keluar Pedang Samurai...Haaiiittt!

Benarlah sepertimana yang tersebar diseluruh negara satu waktu dulu bahawa, dengan Pak Sanusi ini jangan dibuat main-main; kerana beliau mengamalkan semangat Bushido; yang sering dipegang oleh Samurai Berani Mati dari Negara Terbit Matahari...

Dato' Seri Sanusi Junid yang kini merangkap Presiden UIAM sememangnya ahli politik yang berani dan mempunyai prinsip kesetiaan yang tinggi kepada bekas ketuanya... Haaaittt!

Lihat sahaja keberaniannya mempertahankan Enche' Ghaffar Baba (Tun) daripada serangan bertubi-tubi media yang dikuasai oleh kem Anwar Ibrahim dan juak-juaknya, pada masa perebutan kerusi Timbalan Presiden UMNO pada tahun 1993; yang penuh berliku dan bersejarah itu.

Sanusi mengepal penumbuk berdiri teguh diatas Rostrum membela Tun Ghaffar Baba habis-habisan biarpun selepas itu beliau kalah mempertahankan kerusi Naib Presiden Tempat ke-3, yang disandangnya pada masa itu. Perhimpunan Agung, tahun 1993 menyaksikan Dato; Seri Sanusi Junid menongkah arus 'Kem Wawasan' yang dikepalai oleh Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim; yang disokong oleh juak-juaknya seperti Mike Tyson, Muhyiddin Yasin dan Rahim Tamby Chik.

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Check it out!

lordmusan said...

thank you for visiting my blog..i pun tak perasan ada comment dari my visitors..ye lah dok sibuk comment blog orang lain sendiri punya pun tak reti nak update dah!..still learning and hope to really catch up with all the necessary thing to do whilst blogging..thank you for visiting..hehehe