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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

The RM2 Billion Question?

The government announced a 10% cut on all of their ministers and cabinet members entertainment allowance on top of other things such as directing them to not go vacationing out of Asia.They did it proudly as if the announcement that they did was something that could really help a lot of the 'rakyat' such as myself, a servant or to be exact a clown whom got paid like a dog in the private sector!

Every main newspaper front paged the so called cost cutting measures taken by the government.They even dare say that the burden due to the oil price increase must be shared and borne by both the rakyat and the government which came to the question, who are actually paying the salaries of the ministers?What do they mean share the burden?

What i really am asking here is if a 10% cut on their so-called 'elaun keraian' or in plain english is 'entertainment allowance' could save the government RM2 billion, what is the actual amount of allowance are these people really getting?10% (RM2 billion) is a fraction of a very,very,very large amount.You do the maths!!If the whole entertainment allowance(90% more) and paid vacation are scrapped off..we will have a lot of money to actually subsidize the oil and the rakyat will not have to be burdened by the price increase of everything in the market.Have the ministers really been down here to the shops?Didn't they notice that even the price of chicken eggs have increased?I am sure these ministers did not do their groceries by themselves and I am sure even before this they don't even know the price of anything....cause all of their groceries are handled by their servants, 3 to 4 of them!(..a minister even guaranteed that other price's of goods will not increase due to the removal of oil subsidy!Is he plain stupid or just trying to be stupid!Even a pre-schooler knows that if the price of petrol or diesel increased, transportation costs will definitely increase, and when that happens all things which requires to be transported throughout the country will increase!Yet, he is a minister in charge of all these!Makes me really sick!!)

As a responsible government, asking the rakyat to actually change their lifestyle is not the correct way of handling the oil price increase.What happened to the profits our government make from the increase of palm oil?Where is our other resources?I am sure even though the world oil price increased but the price of other commodities also increase,meaning our government still makes profit if not from oil.One other thing is, we are also a producer of oil!Can't we increase our production for local use and stay with our own price instead of following the world trend??What they should have done is to actually work harder to get more investors from outside to invest and boost and generate more revenue for the country and not by cutting cost because what i felt is..what is left for us to cut since all of our money or salary that we took home every month is not even enough to get by...and that is just to cater for necessities!Change our lifestyle?Tell me how?(..if i am not wrong, someone told me that Pak Lah said they cannot continue with the subsidy and the government has got not enough money because all the money have been used for the salary hike of the government sector?Is this for real?Please correct me if i am wrong but what did any of us in the private sector received from the government?Did the salary increase for the government servants have any relevance to us in the private sectors?This is what we get from a leader like this!)

I am very tired of all these 'wayang' given to the rakyat by this government?I bet tomorrow will be another day where the rakyat will still lose no matter what the leader announce or do!I just pray that this will all stop and i pray for the future of the rakyat and especially my kids!

Will write more when i can gather up the strength left in my soul!

lord musan

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