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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

...life doesn't starts at 40..:)

Young Man!Life Begins at 40.....been hearing it so many times that a man's life begins at 40..or at least near to 40 or a bit after 40 but does it really starts at that age?...i don't know but i think it actually started rite from the day u were born.From one phase or stage to the other.Being dependent on your mummy and daddy for everything, starting school at a very early age, getting to know what friends are,getting what you wanted just by crying or throwing a tantrum and then, came about. high school and you learned what love or relationship is all about..or more so 'puppy love' but you definitely get the idea what getting involved with the opposite sex or being in a relationship is all about..or to be exact what crushes are and what heartbreak is all about.

Sometimes, without us realizing, the things or the experience that we had during our schooldays pretty much defines the preference or the things we do when you are a so called adult.Adult meaning after college,working life, responsibilities,commitments and what not. We still wanted to have a relationship or someone whom is good looking, caring,sweet and a person that truly cares bout who we are.Just the same thing as when we are in school with those 'puppy love'. Even when you are already an adult you still longed for the same things, don't we not?Its just a difference in the age or the phase that we went or that we are going through.

i am not an expert in realtionships or waht nots but at this age and after so many relationships and involvements either bad or good,i guess pretty much i know what relationship is all about.Or do i?

Being in love or being involved is sometimes being defined as two separate things as to what i see. Being in love is when you don't care bout anything else and the only thing that matters the most is the one you loved, spending all your time with her or him and everything else is just pure nonsense, even sometimes families are not in the picture when you are in love with a lovable person.I said lovable coz not every human being are lovable but everybody deserves to be loved. When you are in L O V E...everything else just doesnt matter....its only YOU and HER or HIM...!

And then comes I N V O L V E M E N T...yup!..it is another term for being in love and in a relationship but this time it involves everything and the best thing is or perhaps the scariest of all is this is REALITY...you are in love or with a beautiful person, yes you are but these phase came right after the fantsy of being involved slowly phases out..and reality seeps in.A lot of us wont get past this phase,either they are still living in their fantasies and hope that the fantasies will forever go on or they just can't find any other reason to carry on or just that reality is sometimes too ugly to face, no pun intended!...

Well peeps,a relationship, whether you like it or not combines both.Love as well as involvement.There's no such thing as just being in love but not involved and theres just no such thing as being involved but theres no love..unless some other reasons are prominent LAH! i dont know bout you but it takes a lot to make a relationship works.You need good looks (even if they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder), charm,flair,honesty,sincerity,loyalty and of course willing hearts that are not forced to be there.

Always when you thought that you already knew what you really wanted, came another another reason to show you that you are sometimes totally wrong in whatever believes you had about love all this while.It happens you know..no matter how experience or well exposed you are to what they called relationship. Its always a totally new thing or experience..EVERYTIME!!...why? because every relationship that you got yourself involved in is with a totally different person...the only one that doesnt change is YOU!..whatever happenes,YOU will be there..only the opposite side changes...

Well, since its YOU thats gonna be there all the time.YOU have to realised that most of the time, you just can't have the best of both worlds or in fact you can have the best of any world cause in a relationship, this is where you truly learned about who you really are.As if said before, all humans are not born perfect, they came with some weaknesses,impurities and what nots and TRUST ME..you can never find one whom is definitely PERFECT in all areas..maybe in some areas but not ALL areas,and this is my own opinion okay,dont go debating me on this cause i don't really care actually..and its my own opinion. When you get attracted to someone, you already knew that there are some traits in her or him that got you somewhere.Either her looks, her smile,her hair, the way she talk or maybe even her dimples on both sides of her cheeks when she smiles...those are the first thing that attracted her to you,right?

Then you start to get to know her(..this happens only if she is also welcoming the idea of being with you LAH!) and you fall in love.Some took a very long time,even years to declare their love towards anyone and to some all it takes is a first date...;). This is the tricky part, you starts to blend into each others life and this is where most of the time, problems arises.Incompatibilities, heartache,not happy, not satisfied and what not.This is where reality of a relationship seeps in. The common problem most of us fail to see is that both parties tried to be what the other half wanted him or her to be and totally forgotten to be himself or herself.All in the name of LOVE..as they call it!

Well peeps, i dont know bout you guys but being in love or in a relationship is the best thing anyone could ever wished for.Don't talk about marriage or what not,in general BUT we must learn to be ourselves and learn to accept the weaknesses or the 'kekurangan' in your partner cause as vain as you can be, you are not short on your own impurities or weaknesses yourself. Be compassionate with each other and be willing to accept criticism no matter how hurtful the words are BUT not to the extent where your self respect or dignity is at stake.Don't ever expect the one you loved to be you OR what you want them to be.

Accept them as who they are and try to blend in or worse case scenaro, improvise!Compromise a bit and always look at yourself first before you try to look at the fault of others.One other thing,if you start looking for flaws, you will definitely find some.So,why bother looking when you already knew that all of us have flaws.Focus on the good things and enhance the good things you see.If only its as simple as Photoshopping it but its life..and life isnt fair and it definitely isnt easy.Its always up to how you look at it and what you see in it.Looking and seeing is not the same,Listening and hearing is also not the same thing.Go figure!..:)

BUT in reality, you can't feed your loved ones on your 'I love you's'..be realistic ok!You need dough,money,harta and what not.If you have a lot, the better or even a bit,but you surely need it.

So, life doesnt actually begins at 40.It has already begun the day you realised who you are!!

Well peeps, once again ,just my two cents...could be the weather that inspired OR provoked me and i started to write all these..hehehe..anyhow, happy reading and if you like it..thank you and leave a comment and if you don't...like they always say it nowadays..ada aku kesah?...but you STILL can leave a comment....heheheh...last but not least..Never LOSE hope in anything...YOU are special no matter what they say about YOU..always remember that and noone can take that away from YOU..ever.!!...bye for now...

sayang always ...lordmusan..;)