I found out that smoking is not only related to the constant urge from the brain for nicotine but it has become a habitual thing.
Anyhow, I am still determined to quit smoking and I decided that I need help.So, yesterday 29th July, 2008 i went to the Quit Smoking Clinic at one of the Government's Health Clinic and met a very nice person in charge and I felt like he really understands the predicament of quitting smoking that I have to go through.(..someone nice from the government hospital.Really!Tak Tipu! Very nice people!)
So, after about an hour of counsellings (..he did used some scare tactics,you know!) he decided that I am serious in this and he actually approved me to join the clinic.(..all this interview done by him were actually to test me whether I am serious enough to actually quit because he according to him he do not want to waste expensive drugs on anyone whom are not serious in this!). He prescribed me a drug called Zyban, which according to him is not a nicotine replacement thing like the gum and patch but a drug which will go directly to your brain and block the 'nicotine account' that I have opened up in my brain after my first 100sticks of ciggies!(..and I was told to smoke normally during this time for the first seven days of this program!According to him, to let my brain calculate how much nicotine i need daily and for the brain to actually figure out how to block the urge for nicotine!Whatever that means!)
He put me on a 7 day regime and I have to go back and see him n the 8th day to either get some more supply or I could be taken off from the program!(..depending on whats my progress or attitude towards quitting!). The reason is simple, the Zyban he prescribed to me is very expensive where it will easily cost me RM350.00 for a one months supply but here it is being given free by the Ministry of Health for people whom are determined to quit smoking!
So, apart from the drugs I was also given a few brochures and pamphlet on the Tak Nak! campaign(..actually crossed my mind who actually made money from this campaign looking at the quality of the brochures and leaflets!) and today 30th of July, 2008 is my first day of taking the Zyban in order to block out the cravings for nicotine! I was told this will also reduce the effects of 'withdrawal symptoms' faced by smokers who quit smoking!
Side effects from this drug according to him is I will have difficulties to sleep(....hehe!More time to stay glued to the monitor!). other than that he told me if I ever have any head injuries, a drug addict or a Ecstasy junkie,than I cannot take this drug cause there was a case where a man in his late 30's were prescribed Zyban but after taking it he keeps hearing a voice in his head urging him to commit suicide..found out that he was once a Ecstasy user back in the younger days..about 10 year ago!(..see whats the effects of ecstasy even after you have quit or stop using it!it stays on for the rest of your life..effecting your brain!).So, i am clean of all that and I can use this drug.
So, this morning already taken the first tablet and still waiting for the effect to show.Will keep on informing all of you how's my progress!
Hopefully this will be another method to actually help me quit smoking!Wish me luck ya!
lord musan
Saya Benci Rokok..tapi saya still benci Pak Lah!