...something for your mind, body & soul...

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Launch of My Own Agenda - Zyban - Day 1

The launch of my own campaign to quit smoking on the 24th July, 2008 fails miserably. I did quit but only for 18 hours. Did try to quit 'cold turkey' but the urge and cravings seems unbearable.I did all that have been suggested by family members and friends and did manage to control my cravings but only for the first 18 hours. Then I just couldn't stand it anymore and I reached for a cigarette and started puffing away,only this time to my surprise much, much lesser than before I actually decided to quit. So, i know I can quit if I put my mind into it..but thats my problem..my mind keeps asking for more nicotine!

I found out that smoking is not only related to the constant urge from the brain for nicotine but it has become a habitual thing.

Anyhow, I am still determined to quit smoking and I decided that I need help.So, yesterday 29th July, 2008 i went to the Quit Smoking Clinic at one of the Government's Health Clinic and met a very nice person in charge and I felt like he really understands the predicament of quitting smoking that I have to go through.(..someone nice from the government hospital.Really!Tak Tipu! Very nice people!)

So, after about an hour of counsellings (..he did used some scare tactics,you know!) he decided that I am serious in this and he actually approved me to join the clinic.(..all this interview done by him were actually to test me whether I am serious enough to actually quit because he according to him he do not want to waste expensive drugs on anyone whom are not serious in this!). He prescribed me a drug called Zyban, which according to him is not a nicotine replacement thing like the gum and patch but a drug which will go directly to your brain and block the 'nicotine account' that I have opened up in my brain after my first 100sticks of ciggies!(..and I was told to smoke normally during this time for the first seven days of this program!According to him, to let my brain calculate how much nicotine i need daily and for the brain to actually figure out how to block the urge for nicotine!Whatever that means!)

He put me on a 7 day regime and I have to go back and see him n the 8th day to either get some more supply or I could be taken off from the program!(..depending on whats my progress or attitude towards quitting!). The reason is simple, the Zyban he prescribed to me is very expensive where it will easily cost me RM350.00 for a one months supply but here it is being given free by the Ministry of Health for people whom are determined to quit smoking!

So, apart from the drugs I was also given a few brochures and pamphlet on the Tak Nak! campaign(..actually crossed my mind who actually made money from this campaign looking at the quality of the brochures and leaflets!) and today 30th of July, 2008 is my first day of taking the Zyban in order to block out the cravings for nicotine! I was told this will also reduce the effects of 'withdrawal symptoms' faced by smokers who quit smoking!

Side effects from this drug according to him is I will have difficulties to sleep(....hehe!More time to stay glued to the monitor!). other than that he told me if I ever have any head injuries, a drug addict or a Ecstasy junkie,than I cannot take this drug cause there was a case where a man in his late 30's were prescribed Zyban but after taking it he keeps hearing a voice in his head urging him to commit suicide..found out that he was once a Ecstasy user back in the younger days..about 10 year ago!(..see whats the effects of ecstasy even after you have quit or stop using it!it stays on for the rest of your life..effecting your brain!).So, i am clean of all that and I can use this drug.

So, this morning already taken the first tablet and still waiting for the effect to show.Will keep on informing all of you how's my progress!

Hopefully this will be another method to actually help me quit smoking!Wish me luck ya!

lord musan
Saya Benci Rokok..tapi saya still benci Pak Lah!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Hang Tuah & Hang Jebat...The Untold Story?

Salam & greetings,

I read this at jebatmustdie and it touched me deeply!As a Malay and as a people of this country and I thought a lot more should read this!


Anyhow, thanks to jebatmustdie for this wonderful article.


Friday, July 25, 2008

The Launch of My Own Agenda - Quit Smoking! - DAY 1

I think this is important to all of us,either you are a smoker or a non-smoker.Why it is important is due to the fact that we are killing ourselves and others around us!I found this article from MAKNA website and I think this is a good information on rewards that we will get if we stop or quit smoking.I have been an avid fan of the ciggies for quite some time now and I guess i have to actually quit some time or another but I think NOW is the best time.. before it kills myself and the ones I love.

So,effective TODAY I am quitting smoking and I am prepared to face all the consequences or withdrawal symptoms of not having nicotine in my system. So, if any of you out there have any suggestion or ideas on how I am going to get through this,please feel free to give your comments here.

Anyhow, here are the article that actually gives me the reason to quit smoking.

The Good News When You Do Quit Smoking
Stop smoking now and you will see how your body starts recovering minutes after the last smoke.
20 mins

Your blood pressure and pulse rate drops to normal. Body temperature of hands and feet rises to normal.
8 hours

Carbon monoxide level in the blood returns to normal. Oxygen level in the blood rises to normal.
24 hours

Chance of heart attack starts to decrease.
48 hours

Nerve endings start to grow back. Ability to smell and taste improves.
72 hours

Bronchial tubes relax, making breathing easier. Lung capacity increases.
2 weeks to 3 months

Circulation improves. Walking becomes easier. Lung function increases up to 30%
3 months

For men, sperm will return to normal and the number of sperms will increase. For women, fertility level will improve.
1 - 9 months

Coughing, sinus congestion, fatigue and shortness of breath decrease. Body's overall energy level increases
2 to 5 years

Risk of heart attack decreases to that of a non-smoker.
10 years

Lung cancer rates drop to about that of non-smokers. Risk of other cancers (mouth, larynx, oesphagus, bladder, kidney and pancreas) also decreases.

How to Quit Smoking?
You must have thought about wanting to quit smoking. You may have tried once or twice without any success. But don't lose heart, all it takes is a little determination.

This is how you can do it:

Inform your friends and family of your intention to quit smoking. Their support and encouragement will make it easier.

Get rid of all your cigarettes, matches, lighters and ash trays.

Involve yourself in a hobby or outdoor activities such as swimming, walking, jogging, etc. to occupy your mind.

Drink plenty of water and avoid alcohol, coffee and other drinks that may stimulate the need to smoke.

Learn to say no to offers of cigarettes from others. Keep away from cigarete smoke.

Eat more fruits and vegetables.

If you feel the urge to smoke, take a deep breath, drink cold water or go for a shower. Do whatever it takes to get your mind off that cigarette!

Remember, of all cancers, lung cancer is the highest killer among men. So start your fight against lung cancer. If you are a smoker, stop smoking now. If you're not a smoker, don't start and keep away from unhealthy smoke.

Except taken from http://www.makna.org.my/lungcancer.asp

I pray to God to give me strength and courage for this.Pray with me ya!

lord musan
SAYA BENCI ROKOK...tapi saya still benci Pak Lah!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The WHY Dilemma!

Some of the questions I like to ask if I am a Member of Parliament!

WHY do the Government allow its servant to do side business?
WHY do they provide loans to these people?
WHY Pak Lah is still as arrogant as ever?
WHY no inquiries are taken towards SIL & FIL over so many allegations?
WHY petrol price must be increased so much?
WHY Government never bothered to look into the woes of private sector people?
WHY do we have to pay heavy taxes when buying cars?
WHY do we have to pay road tax?
WHY do we have to pay toll?
WHY rebate only given to vehicle owners?
WHY Malays are going after each other?
WHY do we have to pay so much for food?
WHY do we need to take all this crap?
WHY Terengganu state exco's can use Mercedes?
WHY TUN M is no longer respected by the cabinet?
WHY Shabery need to debate Anwar?
WHY do we need to have edible gardens?
WHY CUEPACS always ask for more?
WHY our salary now is so little compared to those days?
WHY do we have Monsoon Cup?
WHY do we blame Petronas for the oil price hike?
WHY do we lose money from the sales of MV Augusta?
WHY we don't use money from income tax?
WHY don't we use money from service tax?
WHY don't we use profits from palm oil?
WHY don't we use money from steel export?
WHY don't we use money from rubber price increase?
WHY don't we use money from road tax?
WHY don't we use money from other export revenue?
WHY do we have to blog and nobody listen?
WHY no action taken from suggestions from bloggers?
WHY did we have to be like this?


lord musan

Tuesday, July 8, 2008



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A BioAdditive Product...STR2020

Brought To You By

Surat Dari Orang Nogori..

Salam & Greetings,

I received this email today.Very funny but sad at the same time..read on!Could cheer up your day!

kepado pak lah... PM paling sey sayang...I lap u

namo sey ni KARIM...pengundi bedaftar DUN CHOMBUNG, PARLIMEN
ROMBAU...alaaaa tompek si KERY yg abah'eh JAMALUDIN tuuu...tak kona'????
menantu PAK LAH tu laaaaa....suko bona' sey ngan dio tu...ghaso nk buek
menantu lak...

sey nulih surat ni bukan apo...sajo yor nk ucap'an timo kasih kek pak lah
sobab naik'an hargo minyak ari tu..
lopeh ini bilo hargo minyak naik..hargo barang lain pun naik gak
laaaa...banggo boto' sey ghaso...mcm duduk kek LAS VEGAS lak...HIDUP PAK

sey janji ngan pak lah yg sey akan ubah tebiat sey dari makan ikan kombung
yg dah merah menyalo mato'eh & pocah bedorai porut ikan tu pado ikan koring

sey sanggup bekoban untuk UMNO dan bn..
anak sey yg 7 org tu yg dh buleh buek team futsal tu boleh la bekojo lopeh
sekolah buek bantu mak ayah diorang ni haaa...kok tk bekojo pun buleh la
jadi mat rompit kek SENAWANG tu...dapek gak la duit sesikit...buleh gak la
menoruskan tradisi keluargo sey ni yg nyokong UMNO dan bn

ghaso2 sey ni nk ubahsuai bilik bilik yg ado kek ghumah sey...nk buek
tompek bolo ikan & tanam sayur cagho hidroponik (apo binchek'eh ni???) sey
tepakso tanam kek dalam bilik sobab sey tingga' kek umah flat...

rebet yg pak lah bagi kek sey memang melampuh2 lobeh'eh dari keperluan

bilo sey congak2.. sey cumo guno 20 sen yor duit minyak moto sehari.. ado
la untung 21 sen...bak kato si SAIDA AF6 "ok la tuuuu"

sey tak pakai pon keto... sobab bilo minyak naik hargo.. sey kono jual
datsun kotak mancis sey tu.. dapek gak la duit....tokih2 pun ado la

team futsal sey tu, sey nak suruh eksesais hari2 berjalan kaki tak pun
naik beska' poie sekolah...ado la 5 km...dokek yor tuuuuu...
walaupon gaji sey ni rm 1000..sbona'eh terlobih cukup untuk keluargo sey...

buek permulaan nk ngubah kehidupan sey..
sey tak akan guno'an gulo bilo buek kopi... tak akan guno'an topung untuk
buek kodok

sey nak ganti'an bogheh ngan ubi... tiap hari sey ngan keluargo akan
berposo (kecuali pado hari hari yg dilarang beposo)
sey akan buek minyak masak sendiri
itu antaro caro sey ngubah caro hidup..
ade banyak laie caro
semuo kerano UMNO dan bn...

dan sey mintak bona' pak lah naik'an laie hargo minyak yg ado..
bukan tu yorrr.. sey mintak bona' naik'an laie hargo tol sobab org sbolah
rumah sey nih org pembangkang...dio slalu guno highway, biar padan muko
dio...tu la...suko bona' nyokong pembangkang...PAKATAN RAKYAT konon...palo
hayah dio tu...

nnt pak lah buleh la melawat sey dan sedokah pado sey solai kain pelikat
bilo dh nak dokek2 pilihanrayo nanti...
insyaallah kain pelikat tu sey nk bubuh dlm frame dahtu gantung kek rumah...
tapi jangan lupo lak.. pak lah sain otogeraf yor kek kain tu....

jgn lupo pak lah.. naik'an laie hargo minyak..
jgn la diturun'an gaji mentori2 tuuu..siannn diorang...kang apo lak anak
bini'eh nk mentodarah....tak dapek pulak nak menyopping sakan kek obe sea tuh...
sey totap nyokong pak lah..

akhir kato biar pak lah sonang, janji kami papo kedano.. hidup UMNO, hidup

sekian timo kasih..

ps/ sampai'an salam sey kek si KERY samo PATRICK BADAWI tu yor..tak lupo
gak tuan punyo syarikat SCOMI...sapo tah namo'eh...lupo lak...

pocah kaco, pocah golas,
sudah baco, harap baleh.


lord musan
SAYA BENCI DADAH..tapi saya benci lagi Pak Lah!

Monday, July 7, 2008




  • Isi minyak sebelah malam, apabila cuaca sudah sejuk. Dikatakan isi minyak pada waktu malam, kurang gas dalam petrol atau diesel. Kandungan gas dikatakan banyak pada waktu siang yang panas, di mana setiap liter yang di isi pengguna akan rugi sebab haba petrol bercampur lebihan gas dalam kandungannya. Benar atau tidak berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. Memang benar. Ada perbezaannya. Penggunaan petrol lebih lama bertahan jika di isi pada waktu malam.

    Alway fill up petrol at night or when the the environment is cool.It was said that at night, there are less gas in the petrol or diesel.The contents of gas were believed to be high during the day time or during hot weather, where the volume of gas in the heated or high temperature petrol are much higher thus the consumer will not gain the actual volume of petrol purchased. Whether this is true or not but based on own's experience, the petrol last longer when you filled up your tank at night.(..you could also fill up during a rainy day or thunder storm!:))

  • Isikan minyak sehingga tangki penuh. Minyak atau petrol cepat habis jika ruang tangki banyak yang kosong. Benarnya tips ini memang ada. Minyak atau petrol akan meruap. Semakin besar ruang semakin banyak minyak atau petrol meruap. Petrol yang meruap tidak dapat dibakar oleh enjin. Dicadangkan juga penuhkan semula tangki apabila tangki separuh kosong. Jangan tunggu sehingga meter pada tanda "E" baru diisi. Semakin banyak ruang kosong semakin banyak petrol meruap, maka lebih cepat habis.

  • Always fill up full tank.Petrol or diesel subsides faster when there is a lot of empty space in your fuel tank. The truth in this tip is quite high cause logically, petrol will evaporate. So, the larger the empty space in your fuel tank, the more your fuel will evaporate.Evaporated fuel will not be combusted by the engine. Also recommended that you fill up your fuel tank to full every time it reaches half tank. Don't wait till your fuel meter reaches the 'E' to fill up. The larger the empty area in your fuel tank, the more your petrol will evaporate, the faster it will finish.(..the more frequent you have to stop at petrol pumps!)

  • Bawa kereta dalam kelajuan yang tetap. Tidak terlalu laju dan tidak terlalu perlahan. 70 – 90 km sejam adalah bersesuaian. Pastikan anda mematuhi had laju dan pandu pada lorong yang sesuai. Semakin laju kereta, semakin minyak digunakan. Pandu secara perlahan pula menyebabkan beban pada kereta. Ini menyebabkan enjin tertekan dan menyebabkan banyak minyak digunakan.

    Always drive at a constant speed.Not too fast and not too slow! The ideal speed to go is at 70km/h to 90km/h. Always abide to road regulations and always drive in the right lane. The faster you drive themore fuel you will burn but driving too slow will increase drag on yourcar.This will eventually stressed your engine resulting in burning of more fuel.(..by driving slow, you will also increase the stress level of the drivers behind you!)

  • Patuhi jadual penyelenggaraan kereta atau kenderaan anda. Enjin yang diselenggara akan berfungsi dengan baik dan lebih berkesan. Pada jangka masa yang tetap, gunakan bahan rawatan petrol. Ini bertujuan untuk cucian pada injap minyak agar tidak tersumbat. Pastikan penapis petrol diperiksa atau ditukarkan apabila perlu.

    Follow strictly to your maintenance schedule of your vehicle. A well maintained and serviced engine will function much better and more effective. At fixed intervals, add in or use petrol additives.This is is for the purpose of cleaning your engine and injectors to prevent clogging. Always check your fuel filter during services and change if needed.

  • Angin tayar perlu sentiasa pada tahap tekanan yang disyorkan pada model kereta dan jenis tayar yang digunakan. Seminggu sekali periksa tekanan tayar. Penjagaan tayar yang baik memastikan cengkaman tayar yang sesuai dan pada jumlah jarak yang jauh nyata menjimatkan minyak.

    Your tyre pressure should always be at the recommended level as specified by the car manufacturer or the tyre producer.Check your tyre pressure once a week. Good maintenance of your tyres will increase the lifespan of the tyres as well as saving your fuel consumption.

  • Kereta sesuai untuk perjalanan yang jauh. Jika tempat yang dituju boleh berjalan kaki atau berbasikal, adalah baik melakukannya. Banyak minyak boleh dijimatkan tetapi keselamatan penting jika jalan dilalui gelap, sunyi dan diragui keselamatannya adalah lebih baik bawa kereta.

    Cars are meant for long to medium distance traveling.Therefore, if the place you are going to is within walking distance, walk there or ride a bicycle. A substantial amount of fuel can be saved but if the place you are going to is dangerous,then for God's sake,drive your car!

  • Jika boleh kurangkan penggunaan penghawa dingin. Perjalanan pagi atau malam yang sejuk tidak perlu penghawa dingin. Buka tingkap sedikit dan biarkan angin luar masuk. Awas jangan buka tingkap terlalu luas sehingga tangan dari luar boleh mencapain ke dalam dengan mudah.

    If possible, reduced the usage of air conditioning in your car.Morning or evening trips doesn't really require air-conditioning.Wind down a bit of your car windows and let fresh air through but not to much till someone can actually grab or reach into your car easily! (..or you yourself can grab someone outside!)

  • Kurangkan beban kereta. Barang-barang yang tidak perlu dalam kereta perlu dikeluarkan. Semakin banyak beban semakin banyak tenaga dan minyak digunakan.
    Reduce or lessen the load of your car! Unwanted items in your car will only add unnecessary load and should be removed! The greater the load the more fuel the car will consume!(..in laws are not excess load!)

  • Pemanasan enjin selama 30 saat. Panaskan enjin selama 30 saat sahaja. Enjin kereta panas lebih berkesan semasa kereta bergerak. Memanaskan enjin lebih 30 saat bukan sahaja membazir minyak tetapi boleh merosakkan enjin kerana pelinciran enjin lebih berkesan ketika kereta bergerak (maklumat dari PERSATUAN PENGGUNA P.PINANG – CAP)

    Warm up your engine for 30 seconds only!ONLY 30 seconds! Engines warm up more effective during motion.Warming up your engine for more than 30 seconds not only waste your fuel but could also damage your engines cause warm up actually occurs more effectively during motion!(Information from Consumers Association Penang - CAP)

  • Elakkan menunggu . Sekiranya anda terpaksa menunggu seseorang di dalam kereta, matikan enjin. Lebih murah untuk menghidupkan semula enjin daripada menunggu 1 minit di dalam kenderaan dengan enjin yang masih hidup.

    Avoid having to wait in your car with your engine running! If you have to, turn your engine off!It was said that it is cheaper to restart your engine than having to wait for 1 minute with your engine running

  • Elakkan menggunakan gear rendah. Cuba kekalkan halaju kereta lebih daripada 35 km/jam. Langkah gear dari gear 1 terus ke gear 3 atau 4 ketika kereta menuruni bukit atau melalui jalan rata. Tukar gear secepat mungkin ketika menaiki bukit. Apabila memandu secara automatik, tingkatkan halaju anda dengan segera. Jangan andaikan bahawa anda perlu memandu di lebuhraya sahaja untuk menggunakan gear 5. Seboleh-bolehnya pandu dengan gear 5 di mana sahaja walaupun berada di dalam jalan yang kecil.

    Avoid using your low gear.Try to maintain a speed above 35km/h. Always try to drive in your highest gear whenever you can even in a narrow road!(..if you can lah!)

  • Gunakan STR2020. Anda boleh melupakan semua tips yang ada di atas!Anda boleh membuat pembelian secara onlineSEKARANG! Klik weblink di bawah SEKARANG! (..pastikan anda menonton video yang ada di laman web tersebut, testimoni pengguna dan insuran produk yang diberi! Anda boleh berjimat dan menambahkan pendapatan!

    This is the best and easiest part! USE STR2020 and you can forget all of the above! You can purchase the super petrol additive online NOW! Click on the link below!(.make sure you watch the video and read all the testimonies as well as the PRODUCT Insurance! Try it now!You will be amaze! You can now save your petrol consumption and make money at the same time! TRY NOW!

Click HERE or The Link Below!


B.Malaysia version From RebetMinyak.com website.English translation by lord musan.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Position I Longed For!

Tolong Ketepikan Both Your Hands! Need To Do Something You Deserve Long Ago!

Now You Know What I Meant!Left & Right...Very,Very Tight Slap!

Tau Takut!

lord musan
SAYA BENCI DADAH....tapi saya tetap benci PAK LAH!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Ayoyo..Amaa..Apaa..Apa Lu Sudah Bikin!Tipu Ka?!!


KUALA LUMPUR: Political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda's private investigator P. Balasubramaniam on Friday retracted the statutory declaration which he made less than 24 hours ago.

In a startling turn of events Balasubramaniam revealed in a second statutory declaration that he wished "to retract the entire contents of my statutory declaration dated July 1 2008. I was compelled to affirm the said statutory declaration under duress".

The document also read that all statements made were inaccurate and not the truth.
(He also issued a second Statutory Declaration and some of it are as below:~)

The 10 statements highlighted in the second statutory declaration dated July 4 were:

* At no material time did Razak inform him (Balasubramaniam) that the former was introduced to Altantuya Shaariibuu by a VIP;

* At no material time did Razak inform him that Najib had a sexual relationship with Altantuya and that she was "susceptible to anal intercourse";

* At no material time did Razak inform him that Najib instructed Razak to look after Altantuya as he did not want her to harass him since he (Najib) was the Deputy Prime Minister;

* At no material time did Razak and/or Altantuya inform him that Najib, together with Razak and Altantuya had met and all been together at a dinner in Paris;

* At no material time did Altantuya inform him that she wanted money in the sum of US$500,000 as a commission for a submarine deal she "assisted" with in Paris;

* At no time whatsoever did Razak and/or Altantuya inform him that Najib met with Altantuya in Singapore;

* At no time whatsoever did Altantuya inform him that she wanted Balasubramaniam to arrange to see Najib;

* At no time did he tell the police during the course of their investigations about any relationship between Najib and Altantuya as no such relationship existed to his knowledge;

* At no time did Razak inform him that he had sent Najib an SMS the evening before he (Razak) was arrested; and

* At no time did Razak inform him that Najib has sent him an SMS on the day of his (Razak) arrest to the effect that he was going to see the IGP that day and that the matter should be resolved and for Razak to remain calm.
(Taken From star-online)

(I am totally disgusted with these types of behaviour and actions wothout thinking.He should be charged in court for defamatory....Tak abis-abis drama everyday!)

lord musan
p/s..another person that deserves to be slapped right and left...

Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Truth About Pak Lah?

Salam and greetings,

I came across this article by Matthias Chang and I couldn't agree more with what he wrote. Click on the link below to read more on Pak Lah and his conspiracies.Got the link from rocky's bru blog.


lord musan